tummy reshaping
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La liposuccion est une technique de chirurgie esthétique qui consiste à enlever la graisse accumulée entre la peau et les muscles de nombreuses régions du corps.
Cette technique est simple, par introduction sous la peau d’une fine canule dans lequel on pratique une dépression ou aspiration qui permet de retirer la graisse.
La liposuccion est très souvent demandée , simple, efficace, mais reste une opération chirurgicale réalisée le plus souvent sous anesthésie générale avec ses risques opératoires qu’il faut connaître suivant les données récentes de la science et évaluer pour chaque patiente afin de les réduire au minimum sans les sous-évaluer.
On peut schématiser et dire qu’il existe une candidate idéale et des candidates acceptables.

Sommaire :
• Quelles sont les candidates idéales à la liposuccion ?
• Liposuccion, cryolipolise et lipofilling
• Quelles sont les indications d'ordre général de la liposuccion ?
• Quels sont les gages de sécurité pour réussir la liposuccion ?
• Photos avant / après d'abdominoplatie.
What are nasolabial folds?
Who are the ideal candidates for liposuction?
Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery technique that involves removing accumulated fat between the skin and muscles from many areas of the body.
This technique is simple, by introducing under the skin a fine cannula in which a depression or suction is practiced which makes it possible to remove the fat.
Liposuction is very often requested, simple, effective, but remains a surgical operation most often performed under general anesthesia with its operating risks that must be known according to recent scientific data and evaluated for each patient in order to reduce them to a minimum. without underestimating them.
We can schematize and say that there is an ideal candidate and acceptable candidates.
The ideal candidate is:
On a general level:
– stable weight for at least one year;
– well localized fatty area to be removed;
– good dietary and physical balance;
– good quality skin, toned, without stretch marks and without excess.
Liposuction is by no means the treatment for obesity.
Acceptable candidates for liposuction are:
On a general level:
– weight varying from a few kilos during a year (3 to 4 kg);
– weight too high but losing weight;
– weight too high but on a plateau: after a period of weight loss, a lipo
sucking often leads to a click and a new period of weight loss without guarantees then. It should be noted that the weight of the fat removed by liposuction is only found on the scale 4 months after the intervention, and not before, provided that the same dietary balance is maintained.
Liposuction can be performed:
- regardless of age, in the absence of general contraindications;
and both in women and in men, knowing that in men the fat is often more infiltrated, more difficult to remove in a homogeneous way, hence the interest of a few sessions of LPG (mechanical palpate rolling) in preoperative ;
– in a smoker provided they stop one month before the procedure;
– in a woman on oral contraception on the condition also to stop one month before the intervention. In these last two cases, the anticoagulants started the day before the intervention will be systematically administered;
– in a woman or a man with a history of phlebitis: never liposuction of the legs and ankles, anticoagulants prescribed 3 days before the intervention and prevent per and post operative hypovolemia.
– in case of less toned skin, somewhat stretched, with orange skin: in my opinion, a few sessions of LPG (mechanical palpate rolling) is indicated during the 10 days preceding the intervention, especially when the fat is very hardened and very infiltrated in order to soften it thus authorizing a more complete and harmonious liposuction.
In some cases, I even use LPG intraoperatively to perfect the result.
– in case of excess skin, it is necessary to warn before the intervention of a possibility of excision of this excess (or dermolipectomy) resulting in a more or less long scar but which must always be masked and carried out in a perfect way according to a personal technique called adhesion flaps or Adhesion Flap.
It should be borne in mind that liposuction remains a simple procedure, without incision, which takes place without any problem in the hands of a specialized surgeon in a specialized and approved clinic.
The results are most often excellent, even magical.

What are nasolabial folds?
Body contouring is actually synonymous with fat contouring
The basis of remodeling is a surgical technique called liposuction or lipo-aspiration. This cosmetic surgery technique consists of removing excess fat located between the skin and the muscle.
It must be emphasized from the outset that liposuction is in no way the treatment of obesity or even overweight. On the other hand, this technique is magical for removing areas of localized and well-defined excess fat. It was invented by a Frenchman, Doctor Illouz, in the late 1970s.
But body remodeling took on a new impetus when it was realized that this removed fat could be reinjected, grafted, successfully to other areas of the body. Lipofilling was born.
This idea comes from an American, Dr. Coleman, who, at the American National Congress in Boston in 1998, in which I participated, defined a precise protocol for the purification of fat by centrifugation before reinjection.
We could therefore reshape the body, sculpt it, redefining its volumes thanks to this magnificent organic matter that is fat.
As for cryolipolysis, it is a medical technique, in vogue for ten years, aimed at destroying fatty tissue by cold without surgical intervention. Cryolipolysis is an attractive technique but often ineffective and sometimes dangerous with the risk of burning the skin.
What are nasolabial folds?

What are the general borderline indications for liposuction?
Liposuction is a very frequently performed cosmetic surgery procedure, technically simple, consisting in removing the fat nestled between skin and muscles, often not very traumatic with a rapid recovery and ensuring an often magical result.
But beware, there is no "minor surgery" and above all you should not take any risk of complications on this type of intervention considered benign.
The general limit indications are as follows:
– tobacco intoxication: more than 20 packets-year, ie one packet per day for 20 years and especially patient who had not stopped smoking one month before the intervention;
– patient taking oral contraception and not having stopped one month before the procedure;
– person with unbalanced insulin-dependent diabetes;
– person with large varicose veins of the lower limbs or a personal or even family history of phlebitis and a fortiori of pulmonary embolism.
In all these difficult cases, the intervention is nevertheless possible but respecting the following fundamental rules:
– preparation for the appropriate intervention:
– iron and iron transporter supplementation started 10 to 15 days before the operation, anti-oedema, anti-blue, vitamin D;
– anti-thrombotic prevention started the day before or the day before the intervention: this intervention is not considered as favoring phlebitis and pulmonary embolism but this prevention remains systematic for me whatever the clinical state and the age of the person;
– wearing of compression stockings started 8 days before the operation and continued during and after the operation;
- compression by mechanical boots during surgery whenever possible;
– short operating time: 1 or even 2 hours, no more;
– absence of blood loss: interest of the “wet technique” or wet technique with subcutaneous infiltration at the beginning of the intervention of a volume of injectable physiological saline mixed with other solutes identical to the volume of fat that one desires and that we plan to remove;
– absence of significant mobilization of the body intraoperatively: never operate on these difficult patients in ventral decubitus and above all never go from a position of dorsal decubitus (on the back) to a ventral position (on the stomach)
Or vice versa;
– Absence of intraoperative and postoperative hypovolaemia, which requires perfect monitoring by the anesthesiologist, who must exactly compensate for the volume of liquid aspirated by an appropriate infusion intraoperatively and postoperatively;
– absence of cooling of the body temperature during the intervention thanks to the use of a heating blanket;
– rapid resumption of walking, hence the interest of a short, outpatient hospital stay.
All these recommendations may seem complex and restrictive but they are perfectly accepted by my patients and constitute, for a trained team, a routine of great simplicity in order to minimize the risks of such an intervention in more exposed patients.
These precautions make it possible to obtain, with a very limited risk, the result that you expect so much, often almost magical.
What are nasolabial folds?
The security guarantees for a successful liposuction
Liposuction is a technically simple cosmetic surgery procedure, often not very traumatic with a rapid return to normal life and finally with often magical results. But beware, there is no "small surgery" because any surgery involves a risk as minimal as it is.
You have to put the odds on your side by making the right choice of your surgeon, which is the cornerstone of the success of your intervention.
Your surgeon should be:
– specialized in plastic, restorative and aesthetic surgery: former intern and head of clinic-assistant of the hospitals of Paris, if this is your region;
– specialized in body remodeling and particularly in liposuction;
– specialized in general surgery, that is to say capable of operating on or repairing any organ in your body (and not specialized only in superficial surgery);
- experimented:
– revealing many before/after photos of his work, hence the interest of a complete website;
- knowing and judging to what exact level it can remove your fat without compromising the secondary harmonious retraction of your skin;
– talkative about the details of what can reasonably be expected from this intervention, without idealizing the improvement of your silhouette;
– also knowing the number of liters of fat that it can remove from your body without danger to you;
– surrounded by a quality and experienced team: anesthetist who knows perfectly the particularities of liposuction, operating assistant perfectly rehearsed and skilled in playing with the surgeon this real partition that represents the successful surgical act;
– operating in a clinic or a specialized center: authorized to perform cosmetic surgery, with a real intensive care unit;
– with a real artistic sense and a real taste for this intervention which reshapes and sculpts the contours of your body.
In conclusion, there are a lot of factors that must come together and that your surgeon must integrate in order to minimize the risks of such an intervention and obtain the desired result that you have been waiting for.
Before / after

Dr Patrice Hilligot Chirurgie et médecine esthétiques
10 rue Quentin Bauchart
75008 Paris (Champs Elysées)
Tel : 01 47 20 54 52
Hopital privé de Parly 2
21 rue Moxouris 78150 Le Chenay
Tel : 01 39 63 70 00
Cabinet Paris : du lundi au samedi de 9h à 20h
Consultations au Chenay : tous les mardis de 9h à 15h